

born 1979 in Ferrara, Northern Italy

dual citizenship DE / IT


first approach into music with the violin

since 1997: private singing lessons with his mother, soprano Maria Gabriella Munari (former Vocal Professor at the Conservatory of Rovigo, Italy)

2001–2006: University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, Vocal Arts studies with Prof. Wolfgang Brendel and Prof. Sylvia Greenberg – degree in Opera singing

Postgraduate course in German Lied with Prof. Helmut Deutsch

1998–2005: University of Ferrara / University of Regensburg

German Literature and Linguistics studies, Master of Arts degree with summa cum laude

2003–2007: Bavarian Theater Academy ”A. Everding” in Munich

Artistic experience:

2006–2008: Dortmund Opera, member of the company

2009–2011: Linz State Theatre, member of the company

2011–2017: Augsburg Opera, member of the company

2018-2021: Meiningen Courte Theatre, member of the company

since 2006: engagements in Aachen, Freiburg, Wuppertal, Salzburg (LT), Bielefeld, Würzburg, Trier, Pforzheim, Hagen, Modena, Novara, Ferrara, Reggio Emilia as well an Konzerthaus Berlin, Rheingau Musik Festival, Venice Biennale, Cantiere d’Arte di Montepulciano, barock festival of Riga (Latvia)

since 2018: lectureship in Vocal Arts at the Music Education department of the Universtity of Augsburg

Operatic repertoire (selection)

Don Giovanni (Mozart, ”Don Giovanni”), Figaro (Rossini, “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”), Conte d'Almaviva (Mozart, “Le Nozze di Figaro”), Pelléas (Debussy, “Pelléas et Mélisande”), Hans Scholl (Udo Zimmermann, “Weiße Rose”), Dr. Falke (Strauss, “Fledermaus”), Nardo (Mozart, “La finta giardiniera”), Papageno (Mozart, “Zauberflöte”), Belcore (Donizetti, “L'Elisir d'Amore”), Vater (Humperdinck, “Hänsel und Gretel”) Guglielmo (Mozart, “Così fan tutte”), Æneas (Purcell, “Dido and Æneas”), Frédéric (Delibes, “Lakmé”), Algerino (Luigi Nono, “Intolleranza”), Moralès / Dancaïro (Bizet, “Carmen”), Schlemihl (Offenbach, “Hoffmanns Erzählungen”), Fernando (Rossini, “La Gazza Ladra”), Conte Asdrubale (Rossini, “La Pietra del Paragone”), Ned Keene (Britten, “Peter Grimes”) and various world premieres

Collaboration (a.o.) with

Peter Konwitschny, Toni Servillo, Christine Mielitz, Doris Dörrie, Monique Wagemakers, Jan Philipp Gloger, Luca Francesconi, Francesco Micheli, Roland Schwab, Lorenzo Fioroni, Anthony Pilavachi, Hans Thomalla; Arthur Fagen, Dirk Kaftan, Roland Böer, Markus Poschner, Domonkos Héja, Leo Siberski, Michael Helmrath, Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla